Job advice

Jobs search

Top 5 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes

Entering the job market for the first time, changing careers after several years at one place or aiming for a higher job… there are many different reasons motivating us to have an interview. Do you know how to succeed? Here are the top 5 most common job interview mistakes. Not being prepared for your interview […]

Company life

Sociocratic governance – hope for employees

If you have had enough of stress at work or even want to avoid burnout, consider sociocracy. This method of dynamic governance is bringing satisfaction for employees, while developing productivity in organizations, as the Canadian geneticist David Suzuki says in his book Good News for a Change. What is this method of governance based on? […]


New wings for the Kangaroo road

A new milestone is emerging for the Kangaroo Route, which has come a long way since 1947 – four days and seven stops to link Australia with the United Kingdom. In the spring of 2017, Alan Joyce, CEO of the Australian Qantas Airways, launched a challenge to aircraft manufacturers: design an aircraft capable of flying […]

Jobs search

Does a false CV automatically lead to dismissal?

Many surveys confirm it – about 40% of the population have lied on their CV. A diploma that wasn’t completed, an exaggerated internship, software not mastered… candidates often inflate their skills to gain access to the coveted position. But once hired and unmasked, how serious are these lies? “A false cv is never good, but […]

Not to be missed, Oddly enough

Ambitions and challenges ahead for the conquest of Mars

The conquest of the planet Mars is well underway around the world. The United States, United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands, Russia, China… all are redoubling their energy and strategies to be the first to put a satellite in orbit around the Red Planet, to send a first unmanned mission and, the Holy Grail, to put […]


Internal candidates: watch out for pitfalls

What a happy surprise to see the job of your dreams posted on your company’s intranet. Be careful though, because what seems to be an opportunity in your eyes could quickly prove to be a disadvantage… How do you prepare and behave for an internal recruitment? What links need to be woven within the company […]


When aerospace bets on artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than a buzzword. Having become a reality in aerospace some time ago, it is growing exponentially today thanks to partnerships with universities. What are they? What are the aerospace sectors that will benefit from artificial intelligence? What obstacles do companies have to overcome?   Researchers and engineers at the service […]

Jobs search

The Art of Regaining Control of your Job Interview

When the recruiter doesn’t ask questions that let you highlight your strong points, how do you turn the job interview to your advantage? Tips. An ability to engage or collaborate, a sense of organization and a spirit of initiative are all important assets for a company. Even though as a candidate you have these valuable […]


Will your plane have a pilot in 2027 ? Shortage of Pilots in the Canadian Aeronautical Industry

Will your plane have a pilot in 2027? To meet global demand, airline companies currently hire dozens of pilots every day! Do you dream of being a pilot? That bodes well how do you become a professional pilot and what are the real job prospects? Reports from CAE and Boeing, released in the summer of 2017, […]


Continuing acquisitions: UTC acquires Rockwell Collins

September 2017, United Technologies Corp. For 30 billion dollars (including debt), UTC purchased equipment manufacturer Rockwell Collins, which itself had finalized, a few months earlier, the acquisition of B/E Aerospace. What are the characteristics of this transaction? Why are there so many purchases, alliances and mergers in the aeronautics industry?   A transaction to make […]

Jobs search

Impacts of aerospace challenges on employment

The Canadian aerospace sector has enjoyed a decade of growth with a net creation of jobs (20% since 2004), while the manufacturing sectors overall lost 400,000 jobs. However, it is essential to remain vigilant in the face of new challenges. What are they? What candidate profiles are sought?   The new challenges of aerospace Even […]

Not to be missed

7 Myths and Realities of Flight Attendants Job

It makes little girls dream and men fantasize… Yet it’s a job like any other, with its advantages and disadvantages, its clichés and realities. The daily life of flight attendants has little to do with the image that’s made of it. Myth 1: stewardesses are all beautiful young women FALSE. The average age has gone […] network